Antimicrobial Reusable Bags & Boxes

Provide your customers a safer shopping experience with antimicrobial reusable bags and boxes by Envi Reusable Bags.

Safety’s in the Bag

Antimicrobial Reusable Bags & Boxes

Hygiene solution that improves the safety of reusable bags and boxes.

We are the first and only North American supplier for grocers and retail chains to integrate antimicrobial technology into our reusable bags and boxes, which deter the growth of potentially harmful microbes, therefore providing a second line of defense for customers and store employees.

This technology has a built-in protection, embedded at the time of manufacturing into our product. Offers round the clock protection, constantly reducing microbial growth for the life of the product.

  • Can easily be incorporated into any fabric

  • Proven to inhibit the growth of microbes by up to 99.99%

  • Save, non-toxic and non-leaching

  • Can be recycled effectively without complication

  • Tested, recognized and compliant by BRP, FDA, EPA

Custom Reusable Bags

Get a Quote

Contact us now to receive a quote tailored specifically for your business's sustainable and reusable bag needs.