Reusable Custom Polypropylene Bags

Polypropylene fabric, the savvy choice for your reusable bag needs. Our bags crafted from this innovative material offer unbeatable durability, lightweight convenience, and natural resistance to moisture and mold. They're not only reliable but also eco-friendly, as polypropylene is easily recyclable. And with a wide range of colors and customizable branding options, your message will shine on our polypropylene grocery bags.

Make the smart, sustainable, and stylish choice for your reusable bags with polypropylene fabric. Excellent fabric for reusable bottle bags, reusable insulated bags and reusable collapsible boxes.

Ideal for retailers, grocery stores, promotional events, and eco-conscious brands. Elevate your business with custom polypropylene bags from Envi Reusable Bags. Get a quote today.

Woven Polypropylene Bags

Discover the durability of custom woven polypropylene bags, designed to withstand heavy loads effortlessly. Trust in polypropylene woven bags robust construction, perfect for carrying goods with unwavering strength and reliability.

Non-woven Polypropylene Bags

Experience versatility with non-woven polypropylene (PPNW) bags—lightweight yet sturdy, perfect for everyday use. PPNW bags provide an excellent canvas for vibrant, customizable designs, serving as ideal companions for eco-conscious shopping experiences and effective brand promotion.

Compare Woven and Non-Woven Polypropylene Bags

Woven and non-woven polypropylene bags are both made from the same material, but they differ in their manufacturing process and properties.

Aspect Woven Polypropylene Bags Non-Woven Polypropylene Bags
Construction Made by weaving polypropylene threads together Created by bonding or felting polypropylene fibers without weaving
Strength Strong and durable, suitable for heavier loads Decent strength for lighter loads, less prone to fraying
Customizability Can be produced in various colors, designs Limited in design, screen printed, spot colors
Common Uses Used for heavy-duty applications like grains, seeds, etc. Popular as reusable shopping bags, promotional items, and lighter-duty uses

Both types have their advantages and are chosen based on specific needs - woven for heavy-duty applications and non-woven for lighter uses and promotional purposes.

Why Use Polypropylene Fabric for Your Bags?

Polypropylene tote bags are a practical and versatile choice for a wide range of uses, including shopping bags, promotional bags, and thermal totes.


Polypropylene fabric is known for its strength and resilience, making bags made from this material durable and able to withstand regular use and wear.


Despite its durability, polypropylene fabric is lightweight, providing a convenient and easy-to-carry option for various purposes.

Water Resistant

Polypropylene is naturally water-resistant, protecting the contents of the bag from moisture and ensuring the items inside remain dry.


Add optional 24/7 protection against microbes, proven 99.99% effective, safe, recyclable, and compliant with BRP, FDA, and EPA standards.

Easy to Clean

Polypropylene fabric is easy to clean, allowing for quick and hassle-free maintenance to keep the bags looking new.


Polypropylene is an affordable material, making bags made from it a budget-friendly option for various applications.

How We Make Our Reusable Polypropylene Bags

Polypropylene is made by taking polypropylene polymers and spinning them using heat and air into long fluffy threads, like cotton candy, then pressing the threads together between hot rollers to get a flexible but solid fabric with a weave-like texture similar to canvas.

Woven Polypropylene Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process of woven polypropylene reusable bags involves several steps. Here's a general overview of the process:

  1. Material Selection: Polypropylene (PP) resin is the primary raw material for woven polypropylene bags. The resin may contain additives to enhance specific properties like UV resistance or color.

  2. Extrusion: The polypropylene resin is melted and extruded through a circular die to create flat plastic tapes. These tapes are then stretched and cooled to form a flat ribbon-like structure.

  3. Warping: The flat tapes are wound onto spools and arranged parallel to each other. These tapes will become the warp (lengthwise) threads of the woven fabric.

  4. Weaving: The warp tapes are interlaced with weft (crosswise) tapes using a weaving machine. The weaving process creates a woven fabric with a unique pattern and texture.

  5. Lamination (Optional): In some cases, the woven fabric may undergo a lamination process to enhance strength, water resistance, or printability. A layer of polypropylene film may be added to one or both sides of the fabric.

  6. Printing (Optional): If desired, the woven fabric can be printed with various designs, logos, or information. This step typically occurs after lamination.

Non-woven Polypropylene Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process for non-woven polypropylene reusable bags involves several steps. Non-woven polypropylene is a type of fabric made from thermoplastic polymer (polypropylene) fibers. Here is a general overview of the manufacturing process:

  1. Polymer Extrusion: The process begins with the extrusion of polypropylene pellets. These pellets are melted and then extruded to form continuous filaments.

  2. Filament Formation: The molten polypropylene is forced through spinnerets to create continuous filaments. These filaments are then cooled and solidified.

  3. Web Formation: The filaments are laid down in a random arrangement to form a web of fibers. This web serves as the base for the non-woven fabric.

  4. Web Bonding: The web of polypropylene fibers undergoes a bonding process to give it strength and stability. There are different methods for bonding, including heat bonding, chemical bonding, or mechanical bonding.

  5. Calendering: The non-woven fabric may undergo calendering, a process where the material passes between heated rollers. This helps improve the fabric's smoothness and thickness uniformity.

Safety’s in the Bag

Elevate safety with our innovative antimicrobial reusable bags and boxes, offering 24/7 protection against microbes, proven 99.99% effective, safe, recyclable, and compliant with BRP, FDA, and EPA standards.

Custom Tote Bags for Trade Shows, Conferences, and Conventions

Envi Reusable Bags specializes in crafting custom bags for trade shows, conferences, and conventions, helping brands create awareness and delight their customers.

What Is PPNW and Why Do We Love It?

Polypropylene non-woven (PPNW) fabric is a versatile material that has found its way into various industries, including the bag industry. PPNW is a synthetic fabric made from polypropylene resin, which is melted and extruded into fine fibers that are then bonded together to create a non-woven material. PPNW bags have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their durability, eco-friendliness, and affordability.

Get a Quote

Contact us now to receive a custom quote tailored specifically for your business's polypropylene bag needs.